I like people. I always surround myself with positive people. It makes life so much easier to enjoy in good times and bad. It gives me a sense of belonging in whatever group I’m with and that’s one of the most important things to me.
Today I smiled as I read through the WhatsApp messages on the group for the ladies that live on my road. Kate’s house alarm was going off, so Linda and Jackie went over to check it out and reset the alarm. All was fine. Then the chat started about who was going on the team walk that week. I love my neighbours. We put each others bins out. We look after each other’s children. We borrow each others garden tools and jump on each other’s roofs to help with Christmas decorations. We go out for monthly dinners and have 2 street parties a year because, well why not? It’s why I know I’ll live there for a very long time.
Today I also smiled as I looked around at the people I work with. I know they’re a talented bunch, but sometimes it still surprises me how much I can rely on them to educate me on work-related topics or keep me updated on general ‘goings on’ in industry news or dissect decisions made on local coffee shop payment systems!
I am amazed by my team who put 100% into everything, who achieve things that I only wish I was capable of at their stage in their career, and whose passion to deliver the best never falters.
I couldn't see myself working somewhere I didn't 100% trust the team around me.
As we had a meeting with multiple ‘383ers’ to finalise plans on a large brief for a client over in the US, I reflected on previous places of employment, and what teamwork really is. I watched as each person stayed passionate about protecting the product, making sure the user was at the fore of decisions made. With everyone finding solutions to our approach and timeframes, no one sitting back because their bit was done.
These people are here because we only hire the right people. Because our interview process ensures we find the A-Players, not just in skill set but in character and fit. Because we look after our people, change what’s not working and listen to those who we trust and admire to develop individuals and teams. They’re here because the company ethos is to actually enjoy work, to strive for the best and to do what’s right by the client and each other. And because the Leadership team work in the same way, and actually give a sh*t.

Is it the perfect job? Absolutely not. It doesn’t involve swimming with sea turtles or lying on a beach whilst people bring me cocktails (that’s a job, right?!) Very few people leap out of bed to run to work and I am envious of those that do. I have hard days, awkward conversations, stare at my To Do list wondering where to start, never mind when I might finish. I have meetings I dread, admin tasks I have to do that sometimes feel like a chore for chore’s sake and decisions I regret the minute I make them. But in my 18 months here, whenever friends and family ask about my job, my answer is always the same:
“I love my job”
Because I believe in what I do every day and the people I do it with. Because I never feel like I’m on my own. Because people care about each other and ask if everything’s ok, and offer help when it’s clearly not. Because people put themselves out to help others. Because we choose to spend time with each other outside of work in book clubs, football clubs, film nights and weekends away. Because we tease opinions out from all corners of the office. Because we work as a team on extra training courses, turning down the easier ‘off the shelf’ tasks and instead work with local charities who support young homeless people, as that feels like a genuine reason to invest our time. Because we’re interested and enthusiastic about how companies are run and what products offer. Because if the job isn’t right for us, or with the user in mind, we say no. Because I laugh every single day. Regardless of what’s thrown my way. It’s because of the people I work with. And work for.
It’s why I know I’ll work here for a very long time.
If you want to talk to me about my experience, teams or just simply about running neighbourhood dinners, feel free to drop me a line Liz@383project.com